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Transfer to agent block

In Aimylogic, you can transfer the dialog with the client to an agent from the customer engagement platform. This can help if the bot cannot process the client’s request or human interaction is required.

To add the Transfer to agent block, first, you should configure integration with one of the available customer engagement platforms:

The Transfer to agent block will work differently depending on the customer engagement platform selected. You can find further details in the Online chats article.

The Transfer to agent block is only available in chatbot plans.

How to add the block

To add the block to the script, you should connect your bot to the customer engagement platform first, then add the Transfer to agent block from the block menu.

Connect to the customer engagement platform

Particular steps for configuring the integration with customer engagement platforms are described in the articles for each of them. There are some features of integration setup that should be taken in mind:

  • When connecting to the Bitrix24 channel, you should configure the integration on the Bitrix24 side by adding an Aimylogic app.
  • The Aimychat, LiveTex, and Webim channels should be configured on the Aimylogic side. You need to specify the channel token and also account data in case you are connecting to the Webim channel.
  • When connecting to the JivoChat channel, you should configure the integration on the JivoChat side by specifying the token copied in Aimylogic.
In LiveTex and Webim (Custom Channel API) integrations, you can use only the Aimylogic chat widget. Therefore, if you connect to one of these channels, you need to delete the chat widget of the channel.

Add the block to the script

You can specify the following parameters for the Transfer to agent block:

  • Button to transfer the dialog back to the bot. This text will be displayed on the button in the client’s dialog with the bot. The client can select this button to stop the conversation with the agent and return to the bot. The feature is available in the Aimychat, LiveTex, and Webim (Custom Channel API) integrations.

  • Message before transferring to the agent. Here you can specify the text of the message notifying the client that now they will be talking to an agent. Leave this field blank if you do not want to notify the client.

  • Agent group. If you use the Aimychat or Operator API channel, you can transfer the dialog to the agent group. To make it work:

    • Add the agent group when configuring the channel: Aimychat or Operator API.
    • Specify the integer ID of the agent group in this field. This will transfer the dialog to the specified group on this step of the script.
  • User ID. When using the Bitrix24 channel, you can transfer the dialog to a particular agent. In this field, specify the user identifier your agent has on the Bitrix24 side.

  • Add data for the agent. You can provide the agent with some additional client information. This feature is only available in the LiveTex agent chat:

    • Specify the name of the field expected by the agent chat in the Key field.
    • Specify the data to be submitted to the agent in the Value field. For example, you can specify the variable which contains the data to be sent to the agent at transition time.
  • Wait if no agents are available. Configures the bot’s reaction when there are no available agents at the moment. Enable this option and specify the text to be sent to the client. If this option is disabled, the bot will follow the No agents available branch.

  • Forward conversation history to the agent chat. Select the number of recent messages to be forwarded to the agent when transferring the dialog.

Transitions from the block

The Transfer to agent block always has two transitions:

  • Dialog completed — the bot will follow this branch when the dialog with the agent is finished. The conversation can be finished either by the client via finish button in the channel or by the agent if this is supported by the customer engagement platform.
  • No agents available — the bot will follow this branch if:
    • The Wait if no agents are available option is disabled in the block settings.
    • No agents are available at the moment.