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Declines a Russian word into the required case.

Declination is performed using pymorphy2. Declinations are set in its format.


$nlp.inflect("яблоко", "gent"); // => "яблока"

How to use

In the example below, gent is the genitive case.

require: city/
module = sys.zb-common

theme: /

state: WhatCityAreYouFrom
# What city are you from?
a: Из какого вы города?

state: GetCity
q: * $City *
if: $ === "Санкт-Петербург" # St. Petersburg
# Wow, I’m from St. Petersburg, too!
a: Ух ты, я тоже из Питера!
# You’re from $, great! And I’m from St. Petersburg.
a: Из {{capitalize($nlp.inflect($, "gent"))}}, здорово! А я из Питера.