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NLU configuration file

nlu.json is a project configuration file with NLU settings. The file contains project settings and entity and intent parameters.

For example:

"project": { // Project settings
"id": "project id",
"name": "project name",
"folder": "/"
"settings": {
"language": "en",
"spellingCorrection": false,
"classificationAlgorithm": "sts",
"timezone": "UTC",
"extendedSettings": {
"useShared": false
"shared": false
"intents": [ // Intent parameters
"path": "/bye",
"enabled": true,
"shared": false,
"phrases": [
"text": "bye"
"entities": [ // Custom entity parameters
"entity": {
"name": "New_entity",
"enabled": true,
"shared": false,
"type": "annotation",
"priority": 1,
"noSpelling": true,
"noMorph": false,
"phoneticSearch": false,
"fuzzySearch": false,
"client": false
"records": []
"enabledSystemEntities": [ // Enabled system entities
In previously created projects, the NLU configuration file is called caila_import.json. New projects are created by default with the nlu.json configuration file.

How to use

The nlu.json file is available in the project archive when you download your project and also when you store it in a remote repository. This file is not displayed in the script editor.

This file is created and updated when the project is deployed.

It is not recommended to make changes to the nlu.json file. This may cause conflicts if more than one person is working on the project. You can work with NLU parameters through the JAICP web interface.