Text campaigns
Typically, bot scripts are used for processing incoming requests: the bot is launched only when the client sends a message in a channel where the bot is published: in a messenger, social network, or chat widget.
JAICP bots can also launch text campaigns — send messages to new clients or clients the bot talked to before. When you launch a campaign, the bot does not wait for the first message from a client and initiates the dialog itself. For example, the bot can send information on promotions and discounts, changes in your business operations, or announcements.
Text campaigns are supported in text-based channels only. You can also launch campaigns in the phone channel: refer to the Call campaigns section to find out more.
Campaign creation
To create a new text campaign:
- Open your bot project, go to the Text campaigns page and click Create text campaign.
- Configure the campaign settings and content.
- Launch the campaign.
Fill out the campaign name or leave the default one.
Select the channel where you want to launch the campaign. You can select any text-based inbound channel where the bot is already published.
In the Client list field, select one of the options:
- All channel clients. This will target the campaign at all channel clients existing at the time when the campaign is launched.
- An existing list of clients. This will target the campaign only at clients from this list.
If necessary, schedule the date and time when the campaign should start and configure special settings: the interval between sending messages and the number of message threads.
How special settings work
During a campaign, the client list is divided into groups of 100 people. Each group is served by one dispatch thread. The higher the number of threads, the more clients will receive the message simultaneously.
On the other hand, you can separately configure the time interval between dispatches. The higher this interval, the less frequently messages will be sent to clients.
By tweaking these two parameters, you can spread out the campaign lifespan in a way that suits you:
- When you have a large client list and wish to be done with the campaign as quickly as possible, consider increasing the number of threads.
- If your campaign script allows clients to switch to an agent, increase the dispatch interval to reduce the possible one-time load on your support center.
Here you can configure the campaign content using the built-in editor. In the campaign, you can send any number of the following bot reactions:
- Text — a text message in the chat. Messages can be formatted using HTML markup.
- Image — an image that will be displayed in the chat. You can provide a link to an image available online or upload your own.
- Button group — one or several buttons. For each button, you can customize the text and (optionally) the link opened when the button is selected.
Applying HTML markup and sending images or buttons is not available in all channels. Refer to Channel features and restrictions to find out whether the necessary feature is supported.
If the features of built-in bot reactions aren’t enough for you, you can create your own. This is an advanced feature only available for the Chat API channel.
After configuring the campaign settings and content, click Create text campaign. This will either launch it immediately or schedule it for the specified time.
Campaign control
When the text campaign is launched, you can suspend it or terminate it prematurely . Suspended campaigns can be resumed at any moment.
Scripted text campaigns also support more fine-grained control mechanisms: canceling and postponing messages for specific clients only.
Through the context menu, any campaign can be:
- Duplicated. When duplicating a text campaign, you can edit any of its settings and content: for example, launch it in a different channel.
- Edited. You can change any settings except for the channel type and the client list before you start the text campaign. Text campaigns already started cannot be edited.
- Deleted. If you delete a campaign in progress, it will be terminated automatically. The report for this campaign will no longer be accessible.